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Portrait of Pia Lamberty
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Psychology Conspiracy Ideology Antisemitism

About Pia Lamberty

Pia Lamberty is co-founder of CeMAS and Lead Psychological Analyst. At CeMAS, she develops strategic policy recommendations based on the latest findings in behavioral science and her research focuses on the (psychological) consequences of disinformation, antisemitism, right-wing extremism and conspiracy ideologies in the context of crises and disasters.

She completed her PhD at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz on the role of conspiracy beliefs in the health sector. Her research has taken her to the universities of Cologne, Mainz and Beer Sheva (Israel). She was employed as a research assistant in the project “Seventy Years Later: Historical Representations of the Holocaust and their effects on German-Israeli Relations”. Her non-fiction books “Fake Facts - Wie Verschwörungstheorien unser Denken bestimmen” and “Gefährlicher Glaube - Die radikale Gedankenwelt der Esoterik”, published with Katharina Nocun, were on the Spiegel bestseller list.

As a psychologist, she has spent years researching why people believe in conspiracy narratives and the consequences of this world view. Lamberty is located at the interface between science and society and provides evidence-based information on conspiracy narratives, disinformation, antisemitism and right-wing extremism. She also advises on how to deal psychologically with the various crises of the present.


„The last few weeks in particular have once again made clear that ‘Day X’ scenarios and the danger of right-wing terrorism has not been averted. This scene has become strongly radicalized within the last two years and shows a clear propensity for violence. As it cannot be assumed that the end of the [COVID public health] measures will bring an end to these networks, there is an urgent need to act.“

Federal press conference

Publications (Selection)

Lamberty, P. (2022). Causes of belief in conspiracy narratives and recommendations for successful risk communication in healthcare. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 65(5):537-544

Lamberty, P., & Imhoff, R. (2021). Verschwörungserzählungen im Kontext der Coronapandemie. Psychotherapeut, 66(3), 203-208.

Lamberty, P., & Imhoff, R. (2018). Powerful pharma and its marginalized alternatives?. Social Psychology, 49, 255-270.

Nocun, K., & Lamberty, P. (2022). Gefährlicher Glaube: Die radikale Gedankenwelt der Esoterik. Köln: Quadriga.

Kazarovytska, F., Kretzschmar, M., Lamberty, P., Rees, J., Knausenberger, J., & Imhoff, R. (2022). From Moral Disaster to Moral Entitlement–The Impact of Success in Dealing With a Perpetrator Past on Perceived Ingroup Morality and Claims for Historical Closure. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10(1), 48-71.

Adam‐Troian, J., Wagner‐Egger, P., Motyl, M., Arciszewski, T., Imhoff, R., Zimmer, F.,…Lamberty, P.,.. & van Prooijen, J. W. (2021). Investigating the links between cultural values and belief in conspiracy theories: The key roles of collectivism and masculinity. Political Psychology, 42(4), 597-618.

Nocun, K., & Lamberty, P. (2020). Fake Facts: Wie Verschwörungstheorien unser Denken bestimmen. Köln: Bastei Lübbe.

Imhoff, R., & Lamberty, P. (2020). A bioweapon or a hoax? The link between distinct conspiracy beliefs about the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak and pandemic behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(8), 1110-1118.

Imhoff, R., & Lamberty, P. (2020). Conspiracies as psycho-political reactions to perceived power. In M. Butter & P. Knight (Hrsg.). Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories. London: Routledge.

Rees, J., & Lamberty, P. (2019). Mitreißende Wahrheiten: Verschwörungsmythen als Gefahr für den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. In Verlorene Mitte-Feindselige Zustände. Rechtsextreme Einstellungen in Deutschland 2018/19 (hrsg. für die Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung von Franziska Schröter).

Imhoff, R., & Lamberty, P. (2018). How paranoid are conspiracy believers? Toward a more fine‐grained understanding of the connect and disconnect between paranoia and belief in conspiracy theories. European journal of social psychology, 48(7), 909-926.

Imhoff, R., Lamberty, P., & Klein, O. (2018). Using power as a negative cue: How conspiracy mentality affects epistemic trust in sources of historical knowledge. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44, 1364-1379.

Imhoff, R., & Lamberty, P. K. (2017). Too special to be duped: Need for uniqueness motivates conspiracy beliefs. European journal of social psychology, 47, 724-734.

Presentations and Talks (Selected)

„Alternative Fakten – leben wir im selben Universum?“: 22. Karlsruher Verfassungsgespräch im Bundesverfassungsgericht mit Dr. Michael Blume, Pia Lamberty, Bettina Limperg, Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf, Prof. Dr. Maren Urner. Moderiert wird die Diskussion von Jörg Schönenborn, Programmdirektor des Westdeutschen Rundfunks., 22.5.2022

Podiumsdiskussion mit Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann beim Barcamp “Politoscope” zur politischen Netzkommunikation, 19.5.2022 Key Note Chemnitz University of Technology Interdisciplinary Online Conference on Political Psychology, 10.03.2022

“Querdenker:” A Conversation among Pia Lamberty, Natascha Strobl, Konstantin von Notz, and Christian Martin. Deutsches Haus at NYU, NYU’s Center for European and Mediterranean Studies and the American Council on Germany, 01.02.2021.

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